Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Watch Shatner.
I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. My oldest brother got me into it when they were still making new episodes. I remember when the finale, All Good Things... originally aired.
As an adult, I eventually watched TNG again, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I loved them both. I saw some Star Trek: Voyager here and there, and the first few episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise. I was luke-warm on those. I have still never watched a single episode of the original series.
This month, my wife and I went to the Star Trek exhibit at Seattle's Museum of Pop Culture. Although I already know more about Star Trek than I probably should, the exhibit did a really fantastic job of communicating to non-fans why Star Trek mattered: the cultural impact, the influence on technology, the aspiration to a more peaceful and just world.
Gene Roddenberry started it all with the original Star Trek series. So why haven't I seen it?
In 2017, that changes. My wife and I have hatched a plan to watch all 725 episodes of every Star Trek show, in order: TOS (The Original Series), TAS (The Animated Series), TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. At a rate of two episodes per week, we'll be done in about... seven years.
Wish us luck!